DutchView Infostrada Selects Grass Valley’s IP Camera Solution
The cameras will be used by NEP’s newly acquired DutchView Infostrada businesses, part of the purchase of Consolidated Media Industries (CMI) that closed in August this year. By using the cameras connected to the IP solution, DutchView Infostrada will benefit from a production workflow called “cloud production,” doing live, remote production where cameras are connected to an IP network.
Cloud production centralizes all production operations in a data center, reducing the amount of equipment needed on location and in studio. Fiber links will connect the event, studio and centralized galleries, providing more content choice and a higher quality that’s faster and greener.
“This is the latest technology for live production, and it enables our clients to produce the world’s premier live and broadcast events in the Netherlands with maximum flexibility and maximum utilization of live production cameras,” said Peter Bruggink, chief technology officer of DutchView Infostrada. “The Grass Valley cameras are a perfect match for our cloud production and our customer needs.”
In addition to the 12 cameras, DutchView Infostrada selected the Grass Valley XF Universe fiber adapter, 12 XCU HD/4K XF IP base stations and a range of accessories. The cameras will be divided over several studios, while the XCUs remain in a production village in the Netherlands.
“DutchView Infostrada will now create maximum flexibility between studios, providing a very efficient live production workflow,” said Marcel Koutstaal, vice president, camera systems, Grass Valley. “As our industry changes, we’re proud to be the only brand that can provide this type of flexibility on IP networks, and we’re excited that this will be another way for DutchView Infostrada to provide a truly innovative solution.”
About Grass Valley
Grass Valley, a Belden Brand, keeps broadcasters, content owners and service providers Future-Ready as they navigate the changing landscape of television. With the most comprehensive collection of workflow solutions in the industry, Grass Valley delivers end-to-end television production and content distribution workflows, combined with expert consultation and insight that lead to sustainable success. Grass Valley, headquartered in Montreal, is part of St. Louis-based Belden Inc. Belden delivers a comprehensive product portfolio designed to meet the mission-critical network infrastructure needs of industrial, enterprise and broadcast markets. With innovative solutions targeted at reliable and secure transmission of rapidly growing amounts of data, audio and video needed for today's applications, Belden is at the center of the global transformation to a connected world.