Verge Aero™ lends expertise to History Channel’s UFO Investigations

Verge Aero™ lends expertise to History Channel’s UFO Investigations

Verge Aero, the leader in advanced drone show technology, recently provided its expertise in drone swarm technology to a US television show, the History Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigations.


The show follows Luis ‘Lue’ Elizondo – former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the secretive Pentagon unit that studied UFOs – as he investigates reports of unexplained aerial phenomena. 


Verge Aero™ lends expertise to History Channel’s UFO Investigations


Last December, sightings of large drone formations flying over Eastern Colorado and Nebraska sparked considerable press attention. However, extensive investigations by state and federal authorities including the FAA, DOD, and FBI failed to find an explanation for the presence of the machines. 


Verge Aero™ lends expertise to History Channel’s UFO Investigations


Elizondo met Verge Aero’s experts to find out more about its proprietary drone ‘swarm’ technology, and consider whether this kind of technology could give rise to UFO sightings. Could advanced drones - designed to deliver entertainment light shows - form seemingly ‘solid’ objects in the sky, and move in the ways that witnesses have reported?


To answer Elizondo’s questions, Verge Aero flew a swarm of drones to demonstrate their formation capabilities. The flight attracted onlookers who pulled off the nearby road to figure out what was happening in the deserted New Jersey field. When interviewed, some said they had thought they were seeing a UFO.



Elizondo concluded, “These things are maneuvering so precisely in the air that the eye actually believes there’s a solid object that is holding these points of light together. And as we saw with just average Americans citizens on the road… the first thing they thought was: ‘My God, that’s a UFO!’.”


Verge Aero™ lends expertise to History Channel’s UFO Investigations


“We’re always happy to have an opportunity to educate people about drone technology and its capabilities,” says Verge Aero’s CEO Nils Thorjussen. “For those who haven’t seen a drone show before, it could certainly cause confusion! That’s just one reason why it’s essential for drone fleet operators to follow the protocols established by aviation authorities and operate in a safe and responsible manner.” 


About Verge Aero
Verge Aero empowers creative professionals by making it easy to incorporate sophisticated drone shows into entertainment events. A fully integrated hardware and software platform with sophisticated programming and previsualization tools allows designers to go from creative vision to reality in minutes. Verge Aero is fully approved by the FAA to fly drone shows in the US. 
