GLOOKAST manages and streamlines ingest ...

... and post-production workflow at Brazil’s largest production facility

GLOOKAST, an innovator in MXF workflow solutions, has announced that Globo, one of the world’s largest commercial TV networks,  has selected GLOOKAST’s Ingester-HR, Remote Ingest Controller (RIC) and ScriptChecker systems to manage and streamline the ingest of media into its post-production systems at its Rio de Janeiro state-of-art production facility (Projac).

The deployment of multiple Ingester-HR, RIC, and ScriptChecker systems allowed Globo to implement a fully “tapeless”, multi-res, file-based post-production workflow for both studio and field production.

Content shot in Sony’s SStP-440 format at Projac studios and back lots is processed by Ingester-HR and RIC to insert key metadata information and to create two other lower bit rate resolutions for editing and browsing. The editing resolution is ingested by GLOOKAST’s Ingester-HR directly into one of the multiple Avid ISIS®/Interplay® systems at Projac, while the browsing resolution is moved into Gloobox ScriptChecker for production continuity validation and for additional metadata insertion into Avid Interplay. Hi-Res SStP content is safely transferred by Ingester-HR to a nearline NAS system for further conformity using the AVID post-production infrastructure.

GLOOKAST’s Ingester-HR is also being used to streamline ingest of content acquired during external field productions. A similar workflow to the one used in the studio is also utilized in the field production framework.


“We produce a large amount of content each year at Projac. Quality, however, cannot be sacrificed. We strive to use the highest quality recording technologies available,” explained Paulo Rabello, Director of Technology - Entertainment at Globo.  “We needed an ingest solution that would allow us to maintain our quality standards yet provide an efficient means to deliver that content to our post-production system. The ingest system needed to tightly integrate to our post-production workflow so that valuable metadata acquired during the production process would not be lost. There was no off-the-shelf solution that met our requirements. GLOOKAST was able to understand our workflow needs and deliver a solution that met our requirements.”

GLOOKAST - Established in 2009, GLOOKAST is redefining MXF-based broadcast and drama production workflows. Gloobox and Glooport family of products were developed from the ground up with key capabilities to address news, sports, archive, disaster recovery, and post-production workflows. With a set of modular and highly customizable tools, GLOOKAST makes implementation of true multi-format, multi-resolution workflows a reality.
GLOOKAST products are widely used by broadcasters, content producers, universities, and post-production facilities in the USA, Latin America and Europe.


Globo - To be one of world’s leading communications company is only possible with a lot of creativity, professionalism and investment in quality and innovation. Globo produces close to 2,500 annual hours of telenovelas and programs, as well as over 3,000 hours of telejournalism. Programs, series and interviews with a high standard of quality that receive nominations every year for the International Emmy Awards. Presently, the network covers 98.6% of Brazil's territory, reaching 99.5% of the population with 123 affiliated broadcasting stations spread over the states. More than 90% of the network's programming is produced in-house, which makes Globo the country's largest job provider for artists, authors, journalists and producers. Globo currently has approximately 12,000 employees.