Full Sail University Relies on KVM from G&D for America’s Biggest College E-Sports Arena
One of the main challenges was in creating an ultra-flexible multimedia space that can host a variety of E-sports formats. Flexibility plays a central role in all respects. The backbone of the IT-supported infrastructure is ControlCenter-Compact, a high-end matrix system by Guntermann & Drunck GmbH, Germany’s leading KVM manufacturer. ControlCenter-Compact allows the physical transfer of computer technology from the control room and the arena into a centralised and secure server room. The computers are then remotely operated in real time and connected via a distributer. The video quality is loss-free and pixel-perfect for the best possible performance. The users can remotely use their computers as usual, as if they were physically in the room with them.
The control room takes over all production and has been set up to flexibly adapt to different formats. So participants and spectators in the arena will always enjoy a professional E-sports experience.