Formula One Joins the EMF Racing Teams
EMF has accepted quite a challenge, because the program with the latest inside news on Formula 1 is followed immediately by Canal Football Club, both of which are broadcast live.
That means that the teams of Euro Media France have to switch the whole technical setup within the time span of the commercial break every Grand Prix Sunday! For the occasion, Euro Media France has had to create a remote control room enabling pre-production of the CFC with a direct link to the resources of the main control room. The technical resources of the stage are the same as those of CFC.
This new Canal+ programme made its debut in-the-clear last Sunday at 6pm. In the first broadcast, the programme attracted no less than 534,000 viewers!
That F1 news magazine is presented live by Thomas Thouroude with Margot Laffite and Jean-Louis Moncet, who regularly welcome Alain Prost, an emblematic figure of French motor sports.
Special reports, inside stories, racing shots, technical palette, interviews and guests…, the new programme will give all the latest news on the week-end, in images, to the delight of Formula 1 fans.
Studios de Boulogne / Plateau A 1000 m2
Located on the west side of Paris, Studios de Boulogne has 4 stages ranging from 144 m2 / 1,550 sq ft to 1,050 m2 / 11,300 sq ft.Built for feature films in 1940, the Studios de Boulogne have been completely renovated and were relaunched in 1999. Everything here is top-notch, from the stages and their location (the bus and metro are only 50 m / 50 yards away) to the technical services on offer. One of our key assets is the way we organise access and traffic flow, which allows several operations to be conducted at the same time.The high level of luxury here makes the studios suitable for prestige events with VIP and celebrity guests, with spacious green rooms, reception and lounge areas, the VIP restaurant ‘Les Loges’ and a bar...a comfortable setting for shoots and PR events.