RTS Secures Communication for Isle of MTV Malta
Charged with supplying facilities and the recording of the show for the fourth time was Dutch service provider United. To be sure of satisfying in full the demands of MTV, United selected its OB12 for the assignment. Inside the 11.5-meter long truck, RTS equipment is relied upon to assure flawless communications. “In all our productions, the intercom system plays a decisive role”, comments Bolke Burnaby Lautier, Manager Operations Sports and Events with United. “Without communications, the production grinds to a halt.”
The nerve centre of communications at Isle of MTV Malta was provided by a Advanced Digital Audio Matrix (ADAM) from RTS with a 64 x 64 port configuration linked to 12 RTS keypanels. Supporting up to 880 ports, ADAM is RTS’s top-of-the-line matrix. With the redundant power supplies and redundant controllers, integrated MCII-e controllers allow the simultaneous use of up to 32 parallel AZEdit clients via Ethernet and/or RS-232/485. Numerous RTS 2W/4W interfaces and RTS beltpacks rounded off OB12’s inventory.
“Each year, we want to ensure that the quality standard meets the high expectations our client places in us”, says Lautier, “to be able to do so, we require a reliable and highly sophisticated internal communications system.” For years, United has relied on equipment from RTS out of just such considerations: “The quality of recordings we have been able to achieve confirms our choice over and over again.”