Digital Vision's Nucoda Film Master Adds Drama to BBC One's Mistresses
Films@59 Colourist Tony Osborne who carried out the grade knew from very early discussions with the series producer Rhonda Smith and DoP Alan Almond that they required a very different look and feel from the first two series, which had a glossy, glamorous sensibility and softer storylines. They also wanted to move away from film and go digital and so opted for the RED digital camera system.
Osborne explains, “The idea was to achieve a look that was darker and richer but without too much contrast and one that would not be overly saturated. From the start of the project Alan said that he didn’t want the American look that you get with some dramas, which have vibrant brash colours. He wanted a natural look - that was the premise throughout filming.”
Osborne used Nucoda Film Master for three stages of the post production process. The first-stage was to carry out the data conform from the RED RAW files processing out to LOG files. He says, “This gives us the best starting point for grading as the OpenEXR format, which is built into the Nucoda Film Master, retains greater detail in the shadows and the highlights than other systems. The floating point, which OpenEXR facilitates, means that the grade is not disrupted. The second-stage was the grade itself and during the third-stage Osborne used elements of Nucoda Film Master’s DVO toolset to reduce shimmer and grain.
The series, which opens in the present with a prologue, conjures up a feeling of tension and unease. Osborne explains, “There are unresolved issues and the viewer doesn’t yet know what they are so it had to draw the audience in immediately. The DoP, producer and director wanted to give that first scene a look completely different to the rest of the series. The story lines are dark and it was important that this was reflected in the grade.” Throughout the rest of the grade Osborne was sensitive to maintain the colour theme relating to the four main female characters and their environments.
Martin Bennett, VP Worldwide Marketing, Digital Vision comments, “Tony has achieved a very unique look for this project using Nucoda Film Master. The grade significantly adds to the drama in the production reflecting the change in storyline from the first two series. Also the use of OpenEXR, which is integrated into all Nucoda systems and has been adopted by other facilities and studios including Pixar and Lucasfilm in the US and Animal Logic in Australia, ensures that the creative vision is preserved and delivered in a manner that has never before been possible.”
About Digital Vision
Digital Vision provides innovative image restoration, enhancement, color correction and data conforming systems that major movie studios, television networks and post-production facilities use to master and deliver feature films, TV programs and commercials. The company’s Nucoda product line provides a strong suite of products for tapeless and non-linear grading for HD broadcast and 2k/4k digital intermediate productions. The company’s award-winning products are a standard of the media and entertainment industry and are deployed at top facilities and broadcasters around the world.Digital Vision AB was founded in 1988 and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, with three wholly owned subsidiaries, Digital Vision (US) in Los Angeles, California; Digital Vision UK in London, England; and Digital Vision in Hong Kong, China. The company maintains its global presence through a network of qualified distributors. Digital Vision is listed on the Stockholm stock exchange. For further information, go to All trademarks used herein, whether recognized or not, are the properties of their respective companies.