Salzbrenner Stagetec Mediagroup Asia Reveals New Consoles to the Asian Market ...
New Management
Salzbrenner Stagetec Mediagroup’s general management has announced the appointment of Mr Advon Tan and Mr Leong Tong Sing as directors of the Kuala Lumpur based branch office of Salzbrenner Stagetec Mediagroup Asia. Both have been with the company for over ten years and know the industry inside-out. Their experience and proven track record made them ideal candidates for the implementation of the company’s desire to drive future growth. Mr Tan will be in charge of marketing and sales and Mr Leong will run the company’s technological activities.
Stagetec Goes Platinum
Stagetec’s Aurus Platinum console incorporates a new “platinum” look, for even faster operation and also features a new high-definition screen and touchscreen panel. It comes loaded with features; like the ISOSTEM automatic upmix algorithm, a crystal-clear matrix mixer, de-essers on all channel strips, and the capacity to be integrated into large mixing networks and existing studio setups. Other highlights include major improvements to Scene automation, a new Spill function, deep integration into Stagetec’s Nexus digital audio router, with an expanded network view, and the possibility to embed Nexus DSP modules into Aurus Platinum’s signal flow.
The second audio mixing console to reach platinum status is the Crescendo Platinum. This console has a striking look that it inherits from its bigger brother, the Aurus Platinum. The Crescendo Platinum also provides expanded input options (A/B, A+B) for each channel, Scene automation with colour-coded Scenes, high-resolution display of Nexus graphics, extended Mosart control (support for different cross-fade times), device integration into Nexus (ISOSTEM stereo-to-5.1 upmix, de-esser) and the integration of the ROSS control protocol for added flexibility.
Polaris Evolution
Developed by Salzbrenner, the Polaris Evolution is an all-new network audio mixing system that sets a new standard for addressing 21st-century mixing requirements. Highly modular and scalable within minutes, Polaris Evolution is the first cloud-based audio processing system that supports multiple-user scenarios based on a single DSP. The unique Polaris Scala DSP allows users to assign resources to several Access consoles that may (or may not) be used for completely different projects.
The system is adaptive; it remembers your workflow and hence allows for highly intuitive operation. The user interface can be freely configured for each project and/or specific user. Polaris Evolution’s flexible architecture even extends to its I/O section, which can be based on Stagetec Nexus routers or provided by third-party solutions via MADI and Dante. Entirely software-based, the modular system can grow and shrink according to the project at hand. New features can be added without hardware modifications, and audio plug-ins can be installed for additional flexibility, making this system future proof. In addition to a variable number of Access consoles and View touchscreens, Polaris Evolution supports multiple control sources, including internet/WiFi-based devices, tablet PCs as well as Android and iOS mobile devices.