Article Overview

At NEP we are committed to making smart use of the Earth’s resources

At NEP we are committed to making smart use of the Earth’s resources

Because at NEP, we believe that doing business that is right for the earth is the right way to do business.

Environmental responsibility is integral to how we operate and how we live. Whether we are creating eco-friendly offices for our employees or Earth-smart innovations for clients, our mission is to contribute to the change towards a sustainable society that coming generations and our planet deserve. We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact, using our resources wisely, meeting all applicable environmental regulatory requirements and continually striving to improve our programs companywide.

Because at NEP, we believe that doing business that is right for the earth is the right way to do business.

NEP Project Earth:
Reaching Our Goals

We have kicked off the NEP Project Earth initiative companywide with three main goals for environmental sustainability:

  • Setting global corporate standards.
  • Reporting on each division's progress through a bi-annual scorecard survey.
  • Evaluating and investigating new initiatives ongoing.

To ensure we are meeting these goals, we have created a global team of "environmental ambassadors" across the NEP Worldwide Network to implement green initiatives in all NEP divisions at NEP facilities. These ambassadors are responsible for helping their respective division leaders identify priorities, develop action plans and move environmental programs forward locally, and to help NEP meet its corporate goals.

Because at NEP, we believe that doing business that is right for the earth is the right way to do business.

Key Areas of Focus

Our sustainability goals are focused around several key areas:

  • Recycling and waste reduction
  • Energy conservation and green energy adoption
  • Reduced use of consumables and single-use products
  • Increased use of green cleaning products
  • Increased use of energy-efficient fleet options and promotion of individual employee energy-efficient transportation alternatives
  • Consideration of energy-efficiency, green or sustainable criteria in the evaluation of products, services or vendors
  • ISO 14001 commitment and progress (where applicable)


Our Work

Because at NEP, we believe that doing business that is right for the earth is the right way to do business.
