Live Production Anywhere
By combining our tools with third-party technology, EVS facilitates the creation of collaborative and productive remote production workflows with three distinct solutions:
Remote live replay
Different scenarios are possible for our live remote replay solution.
A first scenario consists of having servers deployed at the event location and controlled by replay operators from a distance. This distributed production model means less bandwidth is needed, and ultimately, less money is spent, since most of the feeds stay local at the venue. Operators can build their replay and highlights packages from the broadcast center or from home in a similar way to how they do at the venue. And since their travel time is reduced, they are able to maximize their productivity and deliver in a consistent manner, leading towards higher quality productions.
Another possible scenario is to move your servers away from the event site and back into the main production facility. This allows you to create your live programming with minimal equipment and staff needed at the event site since most operations are done from a distance.
Collaborative Production & Media Management
This model allows the production staff to work from anywhere using different toolsets depending on the role they perform. Location is no longer a constraint – users can work together and access the same content at the same time whether they are at the venue, at home, or in the broadcast center.
With web tools such as EVS’ central production tool IPWeb, remote production users can easily access the content from the broadcast center. Similarly, users at the broadcast center can benefit from Xplore’s web-based interface, to view and select the content they need from the venue and instantly move it into the live PAM. The C-Next platform facilitates and monitors these workflows together with third-party integrations such as file accelerators, for a highly efficient content and metadata exchange between the different sites.
While these solutions are natively web-based, it’s also possible to use other technologies such as remote desktop and PC over IP Technology (PCoIP). This allows production staff to gain direct access to the interfaces that are available at the broadcast centers from their home for remote ingest, metadata and clipping, as well as playout.
Remote broadcast center operations
The move to IP enables a decoupling of the server and the operator interface - often referred as client-server architecture – with communication over a local or long-distance network though APIs. Integrated into EVS’ VIA platform of microservices, our most recently launched products by default rely on this type architecture. This is the case for our VAR, all-in-one production and live switching solutions, as well as our new IP-based replay and highlights solution.
While our advanced third-party integrations allow remote access to existing setups, our next-generation live PAM – IPD-VIA - brings all the control interfaces natively in html to gain access from anywhere you are. IPD-VIA’s ‘Central and Flexible Ingest’ module lets you schedule and monitor your ingests from inside
Contact EVS
Whatever your remote production requirements, EVS can make it work for you. Contact us to identify the ‘live production anywhere’ scenario that is best suited for your needs.