Lawo Ruby Mixing Console Equips Third On-Air Studio For Switzerland’s Canal 3 Radio
Their new ruby console features a workflow-optimized split-frame setup, with a 12-fader main mixing surface for DJs, and an additional 4-fader module for in-studio newscasters. This unique configuration allows radio presenters to work independently, using physically separate portions of the same mixing surface, which are flush-mounted to enhance studio ergonomics. Consulting, construction, installation, and commissioning of both the broadcast technology and studio furnishings were provided by Zurich-based system integrator SLG Broadcast AG.
Canal 3 serves the area from the Bernese Jura to Lyss, and from Erlach to Solothurn, originating programs in both Swiss German and French. In 2007, the station received the Radio Of The Year Award for its French-language programming due to its significant listenership; since then the station has continued its success, increasing its audience by 50% in the last four years alone.
Canal 3 has relied on Lawo for many years. “The two existing production studios for German and French-language programs were first equipped with Lawo zirkon mixing consoles in 2010 and 2011,” explains Benedikt Hurni, Sales & Operations Manager at SLG Broadcast, “and at the end of 2016, these studios were upgraded to sapphire consoles.” Additionally, a mobile studio setup consisting of three flight cases was commissioned by SLG in 2018, utilizing a 12-fader ruby console with Power Core.
With these installations performing so well, Canal 3 naturally wished to equip their new studio with the latest in Lawo technology – specifically ruby and Power Core. MADI is utilized to connect the new studio with its two pre-existing counterparts.
“This new order for a third studio, which has just been completed, shows that Canal 3 is quite satisfied with Lawo technology, as well as with SLG’s services as a system house,” notes Hurni happily.
The station's Program Director, Kevin Gander, agrees. “Our old pre-production studio had rather low-budget equipment. Thanks to financial support from our government for technical advancement projects, it was finally possible to build a proper third studio — and using radio technology with which we have had good experience for years, in terms of both quality and reliability.”
About Canal 3
Canal 3 is a bilingual private radio station in Switzerland. It went on air on 29 February 1984 in two languages. In the meantime, the station supplies German- and French-speaking listeners in the bilingual part of the canton of Bern on two frequencies and brings German-language programs to the radio in the canton of Solothurn. In 2007, Canal 3 was able to significantly increase its listener numbers and was therefore awarded the Radio Of The Year Award 2007 for its programming in French. The successful station has continued to increase its audience, by 50% in the last four years alone. Canal 3 D currently broadcasts with DAB+ on SMC and C3F on Digris.
About Lawo
Lawo designs and manufactures pioneering network, control, audio and video technology for broadcast and post production, as well as live performance and theatrical applications. Products include control and monitoring systems, digital audio mixing consoles, routers, video processing tools as well as solutions for IP-based A/V infrastructures and routing systems. All products are developed in Germany and manufactured according to highest quality standards at the company’s headquarters in the Rhine valley town of Rastatt, Germany.