Guangdong TV Centre Scores During FIFA World Cup
“With live action feeds coming in from the 12 venues in Brazil covering the World Cup, mixed with on-site and local commentary, having reliable audio confidence monitoring through the MPA and SAM units and loudness compliance logging through the PAM PiCo is a must for this massive live event,” says Howard Hong, Principle Engineer for Suntec Broadcast Technology Ltd., the systems integration company handling the installation. “We chose TSL Products equipment because they offer rock solid performance, straightforward functionality and an abundance of features critical to the quality assurance and loudness mission.”
SAM1-3GM will enable Guangdong TV operators to define individual channels as stereo, mono or 5.1 with instantaneous downmixing of surround sources for stereo compatibility monitoring for World Cup matches. Channels can be mixed together at the push of a button with individual level trims and channel balance/pan control and the resultant ‘mix’ output available as a line level analogue or AES feed, which can be used for cues and extended applications.
The instant visual feedback that the SAM1 provides is ideal for facility-wide multichannel audio and has the capability to mix 16 channels of embedded SDI and two auxiliary analogue or AES input channels, into the monitoring chain, for example, to listen to the intercom whilst working with headphones. Each of the 10 stereo bargraph pairs can be named individually with up to a 10 character mnemonic, whilst international bargraph scales and reference levels can be altered within setup, ensuring that the SAM1-3GM is set up to handle the program feeds coming in from Brazil.
The PAM PiCo Master 5.1 Surround Meter, which features a 16-channel bargraph display with 3G HD-SDI (auto-sensing with loop through) and 16-channel audio de-embedder will allow Guangdong TV to perform real time logging of all relevant loudness parameters, including high and low loudness levels, True Peak level and corresponding peak channel, as well as integrated loudness. The PAM PiCo’s new logging software application provides instant documentation, visualization and evaluation of any source passing through the meter unit. It also offers a logging session database, allowing session data to be safely stored, identified and instantly searched for quick retrieval. Session data may be exported as a .pdf or .csv file to streamline the creation of loudness data documents for presentations on compliance. The unit is a compact, yet comprehensively-equipped, standalone audio and loudness meter that features the revolutionary StarFish™ surround sound display, as well as Video Preview, Landscape mode, FFT spectrum analyzer, SMPTE Timecode and Screen Grabber.
The new MPA1-3G Audio Monitoring unit provides basic audio monitoring functions through easy-to-use, straightforward operation. The MPA Monitor Plus series, with models also available in dual stereo, eight stereo and analogue input versions, is ideal for critical production locations that do not require the more sophisticated capabilities of TSL Products’ SAM and PAM audio monitoring units. The MPA1-3G offers an auto sensing 3G HD-SDI input, de-embedder with selection of 16 audio channels, high power internal amplifier driving full range speakers, a balance control, fixed/variable line level outputs and external PSU, all in a 1RU space. It features two 12-segment bargraph meters and headphone monitoring capabilities.