fileCAST OML – The Online Media Library


The fileCAST OML was created because of current and future necessities to provide a tool for image processing in order to make the resulting content available online to defined users in a timely manner and to shape work processes more quickly and effectively.

With the OML the traditional distribution channels such as satellite TV, cable TV and terrestrial TV will be supplemented and expanded for the fast-to-use TV internet market. Agencies and users around the world have the ability to search for their favorite content via the www already during recording and start editing to provide content directly to their interested parties.

Thomas Strobl of fileCast explaining the databank structure


The database structure allows the combining of any association of data already stored. It is possible to process and analyze the content in different ways. It also is possible to record multiple videos sources (HD signals,  ISO feeds, EB cameras, ...), EVS SloMo clips (which arise during the production in the HD OBVan) in combination with data signals (like timing, sector times, Marschalling data, GPS data, scouting data, tracking data, ...). All this material which is generated during the live coverage of any international event will be recorded, using specially developed labeled keyboards (e.g. for motor sports, Alpine Skiing, Bob Sledge or Biathlon) and will be made available online in different quality levels.

fileCAST hardware


Advantages of the OML:
• All data generated with the same time code stamp will be recorded on site and linked to each other. The system is storing video and data and will provide this  “intelligent” combination for further requests in the future that makes it easy to find and to restructure the materials again.
• Online Access: Any authorized user can access the materials online already during the recording and process it for his own purposes and thus creating an extremely rapid distribution into new distribution channels.


• All the generated data are labeled with specially designed keyboards and brought into a uniform shape during the live transmission. All names can never be stored wrong and by linking the database with timing reference, all data is on the same exact level. The result is a unified database where simple searches can be made immediately. The result is an intelligent database with a growing value for future research work.

• All recorded data is available in various quality levels and will also be archived in that way. This results in the generation of a steadily growing intelligent data archive which makes it easy to find scenes and to play them again. The result is a seamless tape archive, which is available for all forms of distribution.

• By accessing the EVS network in the OBVan it is possible to visualize material which was not broadcasted and to include it in new and different edits. All images stored in the library and can be used by anyone at any time. This material normally is removed from the EVS servers but now it is gaining a new importance.