Article Overview

cinecAward 2010

The winners and the Jury in the Kaisersaal of Munich

After two lively days at the cinec, many exhibitors and guests gathered in the Kaisersaal of Munich’s Residence on Sunday night 19th September 2010. They celebrated the winners of the cinecAward during a festive state reception.

The Bavarian State Minister for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology, Martin Zeil, welcomed the guests from the international film industry. After that, the Bavarian Society for the Advancement of Film Technology (Fördergemeinschaft Filmtechnik Bayern e.V. – FGF) gave the much sought-after cinecAward to nine outstanding innovations. 43 applications for the award had been received.

And the winners are

Camera Technology:
- Arnold & Richter Cine Technik GmbH: ALEXA Digital Camera System
- P+S Technik GmbH: 16Digital SR Mag

- Chrosziel GmbH: MTF Star System

Camera Support / Grip:
- Filmotechnic Europe B.V.: Gyro-stabilized camera crane RUSSIAN ARM
- Campilots: Multicopter

Camera Equipment:
- Transvideo: CineMonitorHD 3DView Evolution

Lighting Engineering:
- Dedo Weigert Film GmbH: panaura
- Licht-Technik Vertriebs GmbH Hagenbach+Grill: LT-SkyLight

Special Award for the “clever idea” / category Lighting Engineering:
- DoPChoice GmbH: DoPChoice Snapgrids


The winning products in pictures

