Camerobots Opening up New Perspectives
As many as 20 editions of Tagesschau are transmitted from the studio every day, in addition to the bulletins from the digital news channel tagesschau24 and various programs in a magazine format – Tagesthemen, Nachtmagazin and Wochenspiegel. The new studio has made the static style of presentation a thing of the past. Two large desks and ample freedom of movement in front of the giant media wall allow for a much more graphic presentation of the news than ever before.
Impressive camera movements with the highest precision
A key role in this pioneering presentation of news is played by the camera robots. Suspended from the ceiling, the latest generation of Camerobots can reach any point in the studio via traversing axes. The robots facilitate spectacular tracking shots with jolt-free image sequences. Once recorded, camera movements and positions can be recalled at all times with the utmost precision (repeatability of ±0.05 millimeters). Time-consuming referencing or recalibration of the system is not required.
The new generation of Camerobots offers unlimited creative scope, delivers stunning images and unique camera angles. Camerobots thus make a decisive contribution to a modern, viewer-oriented presentation of the news whilst at the same time keeping costs down.