Angolan Channel TV Zimbo Chooses VSN´s Technology for its Migration to HD

Hand in hand with the British system integrator VSC Design, VSN have deployed the migration to HD of TV Zimbo

TV Zimbo is the first private channel in Angola, part of the Medianova group, that broadcasts nationwide over terrestrial and cable in the TV Cabo platform and internationally via satellite on the DStv and Zap platforms. The solution provided powers up the interoperability of VSN modules through the VSNSPIDER framework, enabling communication between different solutions and fast implementation of defined business processes to optimize the workflows.

The turnkey solution provided includes the upgrade of the MCR baseband equipment to HD. The automation system, VSNMULTICOM PLAY, interfaces the new Miranda Imagestore and PresStation for channel branding together with the new NVISION 9000 router control, facilitating the automation for the linear distribution.

VSNNEWS solution is covering the complete Newsroom and studio production. This solution includes the VSNWIRES module allowing the reception of news wires from the agencies together with the associated video media. The newsroom is composed of thirty journalists’ and six craft editors. With the production tools module the Grass Valley® EDIUS Pro projects in the EMC ISILON production storage are linked to the news stories as well as the management of footage from XDCAM or P2 cards via the MAM system.


Furthermore, the tight integration of the Archive allows journalist to work over the PROXY while hi-res media is being automatically moved to be available for the craft editors, enriching the stories while increasing near-line storage performance for a newsroom environment. The Twitter and Youtube integrations are also extending TV Zimbo’s publishing capabilities beyond the country boundaries.

The media asset management and archive, based on VSNEXPLORER, provide tracking and management of the contents in all available storages thanks to VSNSTORAGE MANAGER. The occupation of all the online storages is set to a certain threshold for best performance, having set deletion rules based on broadcast scheduling. Content is archived to a Qualstar LTO library after the validation process and media is also moved to online storages automatically based on the scheduling for the next days.


At last, the complete system has been designed to avoid single points of failure with frame accurate change-over for 24x7 uninterrupted operation.

TV Zimbo is the perfect example of a complete VSN end-to-end solution that provides reliability and performance with a great simplicity for the users to maximize quality content production.