General Contact

Danny Reichert Operations Manager

7455 Race Road US- 21076 Hanover United States +1 410 564 2600 (work) +1 410 564 2606 (fax)

Contact Persons

Tony Valentino Technical Director

Arliss Court 24 Clarendon Road GB- WD17 1JY Watford, Hertfordshire +44 1923 813 565 (work) +44 1923 750 565 (fax)

BSI Broadcast Sports Inc.

General Contact

Danny Reichert Operations Manager

7455 Race Road US- 21076 Hanover United States +1 410 564 2600 (work) +1 410 564 2606 (fax)

Contact Persons

Tony Valentino Technical Director

Arliss Court 24 Clarendon Road GB- WD17 1JY Watford, Hertfordshire +44 1923 813 565 (work) +44 1923 750 565 (fax)

Helicopter with Cineflex

Technical Synopsis


Camera Helicopters
Bell 206 (Bell)
EASA apporoved Nose Mount Brackets
  • Yes
Other Camera Vehicles
Motorbikes fully equiped with HD RF transmission equipment


Stabilisation Systems
Cineflex V14HD (Axsys Technologies)
HDC-1500 (Sony)
HD Formats
  • 720p
  • 1080i
Digi Super (Canon)
Wireless Transmission
L1500 (Link HD)




The genesis of Broadcast Sports, Inc. (BSI) started back in 1979 when John Porter, Peter Larsson and Dave Curtis, a group of engineers at the Seven Network in Australia, began to explore new applications for the emerging portable video transmitters being developed for electronic news gathering. Parlaying early success at getting live images off yachts in the Sydney to Hobart race, the idea emerged to apply the technology to auto racing. The challenges were substantial, but the successes were compelling enough to catch the eye of a CBS executive who saw it as a perfect fit for the emerging NASCAR series.
After a number of years of traveling back and forth between Australia and the US, this renegade group of entrepreneurs saw the market potential for these new systems in the US, picked up stakes and established Broadcast Sports Technologies (BST) in 1983. Over the course of the next 25 years, BST secured the reputation as the "go-to" provider of wireless point of view systems. This attention and the growing contracts surrounding our technologies allowed the development of small, rugged and more highly customized systems.
In 1996, BST was purchased by WESCAM, a premier gyro-stabilized aerial camera platform provider and changed its' name to Broadcast Sports, Inc. Building on the previous success of the on-board systems for auto racing and America's Cup sailing events, BSI continued to develop innovative products that allowed expansion into extensive live golf coverage and imaging systems for NASA.
BSI continues to grow and innovate. Now a part of the L-3 Communications family, BSI has a staff of over 150 people, a state of the art 55,000 square foot facility and 13 RF mobile units. From concept through design and manufacturing to turnkey service, the entrepreneurial spirit that drove the founders to make the trek halfway around the globe still persists today. Always on the lookout to develop and integrate the next cutting edge technology, BSI has the knowledge and experience to deliver.
The largest fleet of dedicated television RF mobile units in the world
BSI currently maintains a fleet of ten 53' RF Production mobileunits and three support units dedicated to delivering radiofrequency facilities to over 200 annual events. Our mobile unitsare custom designed and built with the latest technologies andconfiguration flexibility that allows us to provide exactly thelevel of service you require.  The majority of our fleet isfully HD capable and supports on-board systems, RF cameras,wireless microphones, communications and EVS ISO facilities. Oftena full mobile unit can provide significant cost savings throughelimination of shipping and faster set-up and strike than isachievable by a system provided in cases.

Need to put your audience in the middle of the action? BSI has the expertise to bring you live pictures from the most compelling locations.
With more than 25 years of experience in designing and deployingcamera systems that operate in the most demanding environments, BSIis synonymous with on-board cameras. Whether it is a race carspeeding around a track at more than 200 miles an hour or anAmerica's Cup yacht bounding over the ocean, we deliver the kind ofimages that allow your audience to feel the wind in their hair orthe ocean spray on their face.  Let us pull your viewers intothe thick of the action with camera systems that provide areal-time experience so compelling it should have them buckled infor safety. BSI developed the first wireless on-board camerasystems used in North America and is still the acknowledged marketleader more than a quarter century later. Constant innovation andthe application of years of experience to all our on-board productsallows us to continue to deliver the best solutions.

Our FollowCam systems do more than show your viewers the extreme action, they put them on the course for every turn and trick
The FollowCam system was developed to allow your viewers to be apart of the competition.  This completely wireless systempaired with highly skilled operators allows a point of viewpreviously impossible. Events on skis, boards or skates come tolife when you follow the intense action up close and personal. Withspectacular HD images moving in pace with your competitors, thissystem offers the kind of adrenaline rush on which every extremesports fanatic thrives. There is no other shot that bringsexcitement to the screen like following the action at speed andfull frame.

From a wide beauty shot to following the action, our aerial video services deliver the compelling images you can only get from above
Marry together a Cineflex HD camera system, a Bell 206 JetRanger, and the finest HD wireless transmission and you have anunbeatable system that will deliver crisp video from the skies.Providing stunning beauty shots and the ability to follow theaction as smoothly as a camera on the ground, our system sets thestandard for aerial videography. Our pilots and camera operatorshave years of experience and are the best in the industry.