Results 121 - 135 from 160 for "sony" in „Shows”


CT Supports Pearl Jam's 'Lightning Bolt' Tour
CPL Supplies Camera Package for Lion’s Den Stage at Boomtown
CPL Ramps It Up for 2019 Camper Calling Festival
CPL Helps Create Live ID for L’Oréal
CPL Delivers ‘Carnival of Colour’ event for Tropic

CPL Adds Glam Rock Production for Tropic Event

News >> Shows

comprised three Sony HXC-100s were deployed at FOH centre (with a KJ20x8.5 lens); one at the back of the ... angle lens.   advertisment The fourth camera was a hand-held Sony FS7 fitted with a BOXX Meridian ... View

CPL Adds Glam Rock Production for Tropic Event
Country Music Awards Goes Wireless with Gear Seven and Teradek Bolts
CopperHead 3200 and Python II Make The X Factor Sing
Colour Sounds Listens to The Kooks
Colour Sound Invests for Placebo

Coldplay in the Stade de France

News >> Shows

cameras had a frame rate of 25 P, 25 PsF (Progressive segmented Frame) or 50 P at 1080 lines. Thus 8x Sony ... 1500’s (25 PsF), 2x Sony 2500’s (50 P), 3x Arri Alexa Broadcasts, an intern 50P on SxS cards, a LogC at ... View

Coldplay in the Stade de France
Cobham takes on American Ninja Warrior
Claypaky hits the right notes for The X Factor Malta
Clay Paky Lights Up the Competition on “La Banda”

Chilfest 2014 A Huge Success

News >> Shows

depth to the performance space. The camera package from UEP featured six Sony units, three stationed at ... View

Chilfest 2014 A Huge Success
