Results 181 - 195 from 2145 in „Sports”


RTL was using LMC’s Libero Vision Service for eight Games of the FIFA World Cup

Grandstand Construction for the 2010 European Baseball Championship in Germany

NUSSLI is on hand for yet another significant baseball event. Already in 2009, NUSSLI supplemented the existing grandstand facilities with an additional 10,000 seats for the playoff games of the 2009 Baseball World Cup in Regensburg, Germany. Now the European Championship will take place from July 23 to August 1, 2010 at the sport arenas in Stuttgart, Heidenheim, and Neuenburg on the Rhine – again with NUSSLI’s support. Advance ticket sales through Ticketmaster have already begun; the demand for the coveted tickets is huge.
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Grandstand Construction for the 2010 European Baseball Championship in Germany


As the 2010 FIFA World CupTM draws to a close and stadiums host their final matches, it is a timely moment to look back on the opera­tions carried out at the ten venues. “During the operational phase, the Broadcast Venue Managers (BVMs) are the first point of con­tact for FIFA and the LOC for broadcast-related matters,” explained Gary Shaw, Head of Venue Management. “They therefore need to be aware of everything HBS does in terms of production, unilateral services and everything ‘behind the scenes’, such as power, telecoms, information distribution etc...”
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canal+ at the FIFA World Cup 2010

When TF1 agreed to sell some of its 2010 FIFA World Cup™ broadcast rights on to Canal+, the latter French MRL most likely had a mixed reac­tion. As the first ever pay-channel in France, Canal+ is well known for having built its success on a two-pronged reliance on films and foot­ball, so it would have been some­what inconceivable for them not to offer the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ to their subscribers. But since this agreement only occurred in February of this year, it also left very little time to get organised.
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canal+ at the FIFA World Cup 2010

EBU and FINA extend deal on European media rights until 2013

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU)* and FINA (Fédération Internationale de Natation) are pleased to announce the extension of their longstanding partnership for the distribution of the European media rights until 2013. The agreement includes the 2011 and 2013 FINA World Championships in addition to the 2010 and 2012 FINA World Swimming Championships (25 m).
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EBU and FINA extend deal on European media rights until 2013

Spotlight: Cable Camera System

A cable camera system is imple­mented at five of the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ stadiums – Cape Town, Durban, both Johannesburg stadiums and Nelson Mandela Bay/ Port Elizabeth. The ‘Spidercam’, operational at four of these ven­ues, enables the flight and move­ment of a camera across a three dimensional field. “Each of the systems in use has a team of three with it,” explains Jens Peters, Operations Technician, “two joystick opera­tors, one for the Spidercam system itself, and one for the camera, and one technician for setting up, checking, maintenance and so on.”
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Spotlight: Cable Camera System

Aggreko: Seamless Power for 10 World Cup Stadiums and the IBC

Aggreko plc along with its joint venture partner Shanduka Group provides temporary power and temperature control for broadcast and technical services for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa.The contract involves providing broadcasting power in all 10 World Cup Stadium Venues, the International Broadcast Centre (IBC) and FIFA headquarters, as well as temperature control at the IBC.
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Aggreko: Seamless Power for 10 World Cup Stadiums and the IBC

Farewell from FIFA TV and HBS

As the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ draws to a close, FIFA TV and HBS would like to reflect on the successful delivery of Africa’s first FIFA World Cup™. “It has been a tremendous experience in South Africa for all of us at FIFA TV,” begins Niclas Ericson, FIFA TV Director. “We would like to extend our thanks to all of you in the broadcast com­munity for making this event such a resounding success around the world through your coverage. For our part, we endeavoured to offer you coverage with more content, more emotions, more depth and richness than ever before at a FIFA World Cup™. We hope we succeeded in this. “
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Farewell from FIFA TV and HBS

Mission Accomplished!

The final whistle blew on the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ just a few moments ago and as it did HBS staff members in South Africa began to shake hands and trade smiles. For the third time HBS successfully delivered all 64 matches of a FIFA World Cup™ to an enthusiastic worldwide audience, thereby once more fulfilling its original mandate. The company was created eleven years ago with the very specific task of producing the television and radio signals for the 2002 and 2006 FIFA World Cups™, a mission that was later extended to the 2010 and 2014 editions of the tournament.
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Mission Accomplished!

ARD and ZDF at the FIFA World Cup 2010

Taking up the largest space at the IBC (2,500m2 ), with approximately 300 of their 550 team members based in Johannesburg, is the joint ARD/ZDF operation. Shipping 180 tonnes of equipment, partly coming direct from their Olympics operation in Vancouver and partly from home, the two broadcasters cover the whole of Germany. Both are public nationwide stations, ZDF being a single entity, and ARD a coalition of regional stations combining to create a nationwide network.
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ARD and ZDF at the FIFA World Cup 2010

BBC at the FIFA World Cup 2010

While most broadcasters have set up base in Johannesburg, the BBC’s strict remit regarding their studio facility means they have made Cape Town home. “Since Germany in 2006 the thing that has set our coverage apart is using an iconic backdrop that people instantly recognise as be­ing a landmark of the host country,” explained Richard Bainbridge, Resource Manager.
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BBC at the FIFA World Cup 2010

SKY Italia at the FIFA World Cup 2010

Every FIFA World Cup™ is dif­ferent – in more ways than one, as Sky Italia Producer Da­miano Joli has discovered. “For me it is a very different expe­rience, in 2006 I exclusively followed the Italian team as producer for their matches,” explains Damiano. “Here it is a completely new experience, because I am Sky Italia’s main contact in South Africa. It has been a good challenge for me and I am finding it really exciting.”
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SKY Italia at the FIFA World Cup 2010

Yellow Card for the Vuvuzelas!

The controversy surrounding the constant hornet-like swarming noise produced by vuvuzelas haunted this year’s Soccer World Cup since the very first games. Meanwhile, broadcasters had to resort to filtering the audio: “The ability to use the steep notch filters on a Lawo console’s EQ was extremely helpful in the creation of signals with reduced interference from the vuvuzelas,” explains Carsten Higler, technical director of ARD, the German public national radio and TV network.
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Yellow Card for the Vuvuzelas!
MediaCorp Singapore gets ready for the Youth Olympic Games with EVS Systems
MLB Network Telecasts 2010 All-Star Programming in Live HD with Ericsson Solution
