Results 31 - 45 from 90 for "category" in „Shows”


IBC2011 Innovation Awards Spans the Globe with Remarkable Advances
MTV's 2011 Video Music Awards Mixed on Lawo mc²66 Console

The German TV Awards 2011 at the MMC-Coloneum

News >> Shows

final winners. A total of 18 categories were awarded this much-coveted prize. Nazan Eckes and Marco ... Hindenburg received the German TV Award in the category of Best Mini-Series. The lavish historical TV movie ... View

The German TV Awards 2011 at the MMC-Coloneum
Czech Metal Band Kabát Tours with Clay Paky
Clay Paky Sharpy Perform ‘brilliantly’ on X Factor USA and MTV VMA
AKG Partners With Los Angeles Music Awards, Micing Presenters And Performers
Entertaining Digital Material for the GRAMMY Awards by Sound Design Corporation
Solid State Logic Congratulates- and Thanks- this Year's Grammy Winners
Sennheiser Rocks (and Rolls in the Deep) with Big Grammy Winners
JBL Loudspeakers Show Their Star Quality On The X Factor
ECHO Awards with Microphone and Monitoring Systems from Sennheiser
Parasol Debuts at the Eurovision Song Contest
KOI Awards' Concert Touring and Events Category off to a Rocking Start  
Clay Paky at the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2013
Peter Maffay to Klitschko- Stars Celebrate the PRG LEA 2013
