IP Is Here - Are You Ready?

IP Is Here - Are You Ready?

Register Now for 2018 Training Courses - Beginning in January
With the first four documents in the SMPTE ST 2110 standards suite published, you need a solid foundation and working knowledge of the essential principles of IP video and audio transport for production and broadcasting facilities.
The new standards are essential to working with media over IP networks in real-time, and they are fundamental to the industry's migration to all-IP operations.

The impact of SMPTE ST 2110 goes beyond just replacing SDI with IP. The standards suite provides media professionals with the flexibility to develop and implement a whole new set of applications that leverage IT protocols and infrastructure. Media organizations and technology suppliers have already embraced SMPTE ST 2110, and products that support the standards suite are on the market now.

Get ahead by enrolling in one of three SMPTE Virtual Classroom courses today!