CabSat2015: Focus on Live Production

CABSAT is a networking platform for businesses involved in capturing, exchanging, managing, distributing and monetizing content

For 21 years, CABSAT has evolved to be the number one event in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia region for all industry professionals within the Broadcast, Satellite, Content Delivery and Digital Media sectors. CABSAT covers the creation, exchange, management, distribution and monetization of all filmed entertainment and radio content. The event connects live content opportunities and encourages collaborative partnerships which brings together the world’s leading content producers and connects them with every imaginable delivery platform.

The following exhibitors have a focus on TV live production

AXON  -  Calrec  - Custom Consoles  -  EVS  -  Grass Valley  -  Hitachi  -  Ikegami  -  Imagine Communications  -  Megahertz  -  Quantel & Snell  -  Riedel  -  Vislink  -  Vizrt

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