MEDIA BROADCAST at the FIFA Women's World Cup 2011
This permits the IP-supported transmissionin real time of all of the live HD video signals from all of the venues. Besidesthis, the full service provider is taking over the uplink of the World Feed fromthe IBCC. With these and further services, MEDIA BROADCAST provides anessential technical basis for supplying live pictures of the tournament in thebest possible HDTV quality to broadcasting organisations reporting the event inGermany and throughout the world.
MEDIA BROADCAST’S innovative NGN is the technicalbackbone of its transmission services. It links the venues in Augsburg,Berlin, Bochum,Dresden, Leverkusen,Mönchengladbach, Sinsheim and Wolfsburgwith the central IBCC in Frankfurt/Main, the production facility of the World Feedused worldwide. For this reason, the NGN forms a crucial link in the whole chainof live signal transmission. The live transmission of pre-produced HDTV signalsoccurs at a data rate ranging from 350 Mbit/s to 1,485 Gbit/s per signal path. Backupis provided by means of HDTV satellite signals connected in parallel betweenall the venues and the IBCC.
Along with HBS, MEDIA BROADCAST provides furthernational and international broadcasting organisations with individual broadcastingand production services via SNG and NGN.
With the delivery of the Women’s Football World Cup2011 MEDIA BROADCAST is drawing on its previous successful live HDTV transmissionservices, including the previous World Cups in Germany and South Africa. Forthe event in South Africa, thefull service provider successfully utilised the IP transmission platform whichit had developed to link the venues spread across the whole country with theIBC in Johannesburg.MEDIA BROADCAST delivered the international events with 100 percent signal accessibilityand through its innovative transmission platforms made an essentialcontribution to the smooth-running worldwide TV transmission of the majorsporting events.
“We are delighted that MEDIA BROADCAST has once again beenselected as the technical service provider for the TV broadcast of a Football WorldCup“, commented Bernd Kraus, CEO of MEDIA BROADCAST. “Using our technical know-howand our experience in the broadcast management of major international mediaevents we will again make every possible effort to broadcast this World Cupsmoothly and in the best possible HDTV quality live to the millions of fansright across the world“. “Optimum reliability in the supply, service andoperation of our platform forms the basis for uninterrupted transmission, as doesmaximum backup and the best technical components on all levels of the processchain“, added Marcus Busch, Head of the Business Unit Networks at MEDIABROADCAST.
NGN information
MEDIA BROADCAST‘S innovative, highly scalable NextGeneration Network (NGN) permits the IP-basedtransmission of data-intensive video and audio content as well as data andvoice applications. In doing so, it offers TV broadcasters, productioncompanies and organisers of major international events the best conditions fornetworking. The support provided caters for DVB-Distribution,Event Broadcast Services, Dial-up and Switched connections and VPN. Newly developed customer terminals offer users definedswitching options so they can set up their own point-to-point links, therebyensuring maximum flexibility in the production environment. MEDIA BROADCAST‘SNGN supports all classic transmission formats, from AES/EBU right through tothe uncompressed 1,485 Gbit HDTV signal, as well as numerous new, open IP-basedtransmission paths (10/100/1000 Ethernet).
SNG information
MEDIA BROADCAST‘S SNG (Satellite News Gathering) fleet is completely tailored towards live production in HDTV. Vision mixers, editing units, VTR and up to four HD cameras on board provide flexible possibilities for mobile TV applications, e.g. reports, news coverage, major media events. Connectivity in live applications is achieved by means of satellite uplink and connection possibilities to MEDIA BROADCAST‘S IP-based NGN.