The sixth nationwide broadcast TV station in Spain, laSexta, automates its workflow with vsnmulticom
The challenge
· Gestora de Inversiones Audiovisuales La Sexta (GIA La Sexta)was in need of a 24/7 automation system for their twochannels: laSexta and Gol Televisión.
· They required an automation system capable of managingplaylists and graphics, subtitling, aspect ratio conversion, etc.
· Automated ingest of contents and file transfer.
· They needed a specific solution allowing automatic contentrecording and web publishing at the web portal
· They also required the automation of disconnections in theCanary Islands.
· On the other hand, VSN should supply a specific solution thatcould manage the multi-screen display for the Formula Oneracing during commercial breaks.
The solution
· VSN supplied the network its automation system vsnmulticom and developed specific solutionsadapted to the needs of laSexta and Gol Televisión channels. The system allows for the basicautomation of the channels as well as the management and definition of specific rules for auxiliaryactions.
· The software application MconTransfer was developed, which allows for the automated transfer ofmedia files.
· The software application SynchClient (VO) allows automating specific rules involving auxiliaryactions for playlist management.
· The sofware application Ropert was designed to fit in the commercial blocks during disconnections.
The results
· The integration of VSN with different third-party systems has provided laSexta and GolTelevisión with a more flexible workflow.
· The probability of error has decreased
· The channels can operate on a flexible automation system that allows defining specific rulesfor auxiliary actions.
· Strict observance of all commitments to quality.
About laSexta
laSexta is the sixth nationwide broadcast television station in Spain. It is privately owned and beganbroadcasting in 2006. It is fully automated with the vsnmulticom system. laSexta is one of the two channels owned by Gestora de Inversiones Audiovisuales La Sexta (GIA La Sexta), along with the pay TVchannel Gol Televisión. LaSexta offers a programming for general audiences with a focus on comedy shows, entertainment, American TV series and sports. GIA La Sexta owns two sites, one in Ciudad de la Imagen in Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid), mainly devoted to newscast production, programming and diverse logistics, and the other in the Centro Imagina in Esplugas de Llobregat (Barcelona) where thebroadcast and master control is controlled with the vsnmulticom solution.