QVEST MEDIA @ Broadcast Asia 2017
One of the main topics are the benefits of our new media intelligence system: visitors can discover the full potential of artificial intelligence in the analysis of media content and learn about the extensive impact of digital transformation. Further, we will talk about practical experiences and future challenges in building IP-based media infrastructures. Another topic will be the shift from CapEx- to OpEx-based business models using our new managed technology approach.
The new Mediacorp Campus – one of the most modern multi-media complexes in the entire South-East Asian region – went recently on air. In the role as consultant we were commissioned to conduct the systems design, lead the overall installation, and serve as Master Systems Integrator for the Mediacorp project. We are happy to offer you this experience tour in close co-operation with our customer. There will be four guided tours à 25 pax. Come by at stand 6N2-04 or pre-register on our website to secure yourself one of the rare tickets.
May 24 and May 25 @ Mediacorp Campus
Media companies no longer tie up their financial resources by long-term investments but pay-as-you-go operating expenses. Some of the main reasons for this transition are the rapid change in technology and increasingly shorter product life cycles. Consequently, Qvest Media's new approach for Managed Technology helps to shift CapEx investments to OpEx expenditures offering a step-by-step concept.
IP for Broadcast is again one of the hot topics this year. The future of modern broadcasting infrastructures lies in IP. The last twelve months have shown that the industry is talking more and more about a standard for IP broadcasting. We would like to discuss new potentials, opportunities and challenges with you.
We will show how media content can be processed automatically in real time by artificial intelligence. Our Media Intelligence Platform enables organisations to access media sources in order to automate browsing unstructured data, evaluating, clustering and linking content.
The architecture of modern broadcast installations is today grouped together into a multi-tiered system of different technology layers. In order to orchestrate the various applications, the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) has evolved to become the preferred middleware solution for Workflow Management. Learn more about solutions for Workflow Management and Media Logistics at our stand 6N2-04.
Over-the-Top Content (OTT) is becoming increasingly important in the broadcast industry. We have also been looking closely at OTT over recent months. We have evaluated the opportunities and challenges of OTT services and have extended our portfolio of products and services accordingly. Beyond exisiting partnerships with major players, we have entered into a new partnership with thePlatform (Comcast Technology Solutions).