PRG Adds SGM P-5 Wash Light to Hire Stock
They have purchased 46 of the P-5 RGBW wash lights for their busy Autumn and pre-Christmas outdoor season, as part of a general LED inventory upgrade.
Paul Weaver, Head of EU Asset Management, says the company has enjoyed a long and successful relationship with SGM over the years, and this marks the latest chapter.
“We have had SGM in stock for the last eight to ten years, using the Palco 3 as our standard weatherproof LED flood but it was time to update our stock.”
The P-5 won a competitive shoot out with a number of other leading LED floods — including the Palco.
“It was punch we were looking for, along with colour palette, build quality and of course the IP rating was a key factor,” stated Weaver. “We also liked the low-profile nature of the design.”
The P-5 certainly has punch aplenty. Incorporating 44 x RGBW 10W LEDs, the fixture offers CTC and White Balance control, with just 400W power consumption and LED source life expectancy of 50,000 hours. Stretching the output-to-consumption envelope by providing an overall efficacy factor of 52 lumens per watt (channelled through the 15°, 21° and 43° lens options) the green credentials of the P-5 raise the benchmark considerably.
“Since the introduction of the new SGM, and Peter [Johansen] coming on board, the company has become really interesting again and there are exciting products coming through such as G-Spot. We see the P-5 as an investment for the long term.”
In summary Paul Weaver said, “We know how reliable SGM products are from the length in service of the old Palco 3, which was ahead of its time. And we expect the same from the P-5.”
Over in the States PRG has also been having success with SGM’s new generation products, notably when 34 XC-5 LED strobes were specified on the Pink tour earlier this year.