The P.A. People Keep Clear-Com Intercom Systems Running at PyeongChang
The Clear-Com systems are used for the sports A/V presentation in the venues. Intercom together with timing and results information is linked back to the Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS) and into the actual sport federation itself. Every system has three major components: the matrix, the partyline, and the FreeSpeak devices.
A mix of Clear-Com intercom systems is deployed at each of the 15 (6) locations, including the Eclipse HX matrix system as a central system, FOR-22 module cards for two-way–radio interfacing, LQ-R4W8 IP interface for eight rings of audio interface to HelixNet digital partyline main stations, and a FreeSpeak II Base Station.
Field equipment used by the operators includes 400 FreeSpeak II wireless intercom beltpacks and headsets (for mobile users), 115 FreeSpeak II transceivers and 30 splitters, 180 V-Series keypanels, 440 HelixNet digital beltpacks, 100 CC110 lightweight headsets, 100 CC200 lightweight headsets, 500 CC300 headsets, and 300 CC400 headsets.
Sydney-based The P.A. People has the world’s largest Clear-Com rental inventory and is working with Korea-based OneUp Solutions on the two projects. The P.A. People started working with OneUp Solutions three years ago on this project, which includes 15 (6) venues and the Medal Plaza. All of the endpoints are IP-capable, therefore the system is using network switches for all elements. HelixNet adds to that versatility because every channel of the partyline system is on one cable and the selection of the required channels takes place at the beltpack.
As the Olympic Games continue to raise the bar on production, so do the event coordination teams running the games. Their increased technical needs require state-of-the-art systems. “Our enhancements to the capability of FreeSpeak II wireless intercom, the flexibility of LQ Series IP interfaces, and the robust architecture and user interface of HelixNet digital partyline were designed to help support large-scale events of any size—even events as massive as Olympics,” explains Bob Boster, president, Clear-Com, and he continued, “our product development efforts align closely with the changing needs of the market. After 50 years in business this certainly isn’t the first time Clear-Com has delivered a winning intercom solution for the Winter Games. Working on these kinds of projects is always highly rewarding for us—not just as communications technology innovators, but also as supporter of international sports.”
After the successful completion of the prime games in 15 locations Clear-Com`s gear is now used at the six locations for the Paralympic games.