Open House on June 5th and 6th in Bingen
Due to Broadcast Solution's expanded (by a complete new hall) production areas almost 30 partner companies show the current state of the art. The symposium takes place in parallel with numerous presentations on the future of the broadcast market and will certainly stimulate discussion.
The core of the Open House will be some examples from its portfolio - as Broadcast Solutions will show this year in addition to SNG solutions for television and radio, examples of their production of small and large OB trucks.
In detail Broadcast Solutions will show:
Lyoness SNG Sprinter base
Broadcast Solutions T5: "Micro-OB van in the fast T5 robe"
RBB - radio SNG - State of the art of radio transmission
Mediatec Streamliner - 8 camera OB trucks with integrated storage room and still plenty of space
VGTRK- a 10 camera OB-van in progress.
Azam Media: 8 camera streamliner and a C-Band DSNG in progress.
In addition, Broadcast Solutions informs about their extended business - the studio building, the stadium-integration and an overview of their exclusively brands:, Pro-Sat and Modeo live.
Live: 4K work-flow
The center of the show is a complete work-flow (4K camera, 4K video mixer, 4K graphics, various 4K monitors, 4K measuring, 4K-replay/recording) under live conditions on both days to show the close future of broadcasting.
The list of the participants undoubtedly represents the top 30 of the industry and Broadcast Solutions demonstrates that SNG, wireless transmission, contribution technology, replay /, audio and cable technology have their place and present highlights.
Of course, on both days dining pleasure is obvious, for the evening of the first day of the event at June, 5th a few surprises are planned …
Please register here:
Wednesday June 5th 2013:
13:00 ( 1 pm) opening
15:00 (3 pm) –15:30 ERICSSON: “High Quality Contribution”
Speaker: Phil Wilton
15:45 (3:45 pm)- 16:15 ProSat: “Satcom trends and development”
Speaker: Peter Jakobsson
16:30 (4:30 pm)-17:00 SNELL: “Multiformat production 1080p and 4K”
Speaker: Stefan Geradts
17:15 (5:15 pm)- 17:45 LSB: “Maximising system flexibility and operational simplicity with centralized control”
Speaker: Jamie Dunn
18:00 (6 pm): “10 years Broadcast Solutions”
19:00 (7 pm): Get together with live music
Thursday, June 6th 2013
11:00 (11 am) – 12:30 BROADCAST SOLUTIONS / MOVICOM:
“New generation of Arena infrastructure”
Speaker: Illia Volovich
“Robotic cable camera systems in broadcasting”
Speaker: Victor Pakhomov
13:00 (1 pm) -13:45 SONY: “ConFedCup in 4K”
Speaker: Gisbert Hochgürtel
14:00 (2 pm) -14:45 YAMAHA: “New generation of digital consoles”
Speaker: Arthur Knoll
15:00 (3 pm)-15:30 ADTEC: “ADTEC - contribution technology”
Speaker: Hansgeorg Lichte
15:45(3:45 pm) -16:15 TEKTRONIX: “Understanding HDMI: An explanation of HDMI connector types, cables and content protection (HDCP) with examples of HDMI monitoring with WFM5250“
Speaker: Ralf Herrmann