Karisma Recording Mobile's Solid State Logic C200 HD Used for Multiple Events in Montreal
“We installed the C200 to handle jobs that would be covered by up to four audio trucks in the States,” says Marcel Gouin, president of Karisma Audio Post Video & Film and Karisma Recording Mobile. “The budgets are smaller here for concerts and events, so usually, even with major stars, our one remote truck will cover the audio for all the different bands. To bring sanity to this situation, the C200 gives us the ability to have a large number of mic inputs, handle more tracks and be able to do this with one operator within the space limits of our truck. This is a tall order and the C200 has passed with flying colors.”
Since the January install, Karisma has provided the audio services for as varied a lineup as a Gala for Quebec’s Lottery, a benefit for Haiti featuring multiple music acts, a Hockey Academy-type reality series that involves real hockey games, a variety show that ran for ten-weekends and a Canadian Hall of Fame event for Olympic winners and high profile sport figures. The C200 design streamlined the workload for all these events.
“I have an analogue background using inline consoles over the years and I believe that this is the most enduring way to work,” states Gouin. “SSL has engineered the C200 to give the operator that familiar, time-tested knob-per-function design while covering a large amount of input channels in only two console pages. Other digital consoles make you sift through four to six pages and that is very inconvenient and sometimes impossible. Also, when I am working on one page, the metering panel will provide real-time information about the underneath layer which keeps me aware of what is going on all the time. When you do high pressure jobs the way we do, you don’t need to have the technology in the way. The C200 allows me to concentrate on getting the job done right.”
With the addition of a sidecar, Karisma captures on up to six Tascam X48 recorders and a total of 128 redundant tracks, for remixing and repackaging for further broadcast of live events for different broadcasters, DVD/Blu-ray distribution and CD projects, so sound quality is of the utmost importance.
“With the wealth of distribution points for any event, it is important that the sound quality is the best possible,” Gouin explains. “The C200 gives me the warmth and detail I need to deliver a great performance. I have worked with many top consoles and the C200 is over and beyond anything I’ve used.”
About SSL
Solid State Logic is the world’s leading manufacturer of analogue and digital audio consoles and provider of creative tools for music, broadcast and post production professionals. For more information about our award-winning products, please visit