IHSE USA and VuWall Join Forces on High-End KVM Management Systems and Wall Displays
The integration of the IHSE KVM matrix and VuWall systems makes it possible to control and visualize all sources from the matrix switcher onto the video wall. With this system, multiple sources can be switched and displayed simultaneously on the video wall. With VuWall's collaborative interface, operators have all critical data and information at their fingertips from a single user interface. It's also possible to mix in other sources from other systems, such as IP streams, applications, and websites.
"IHSE and VuWall bring AV/IT integrators and video wall operators the perfect complementary technology with seamless integration," said Paul Vander Plaetse, CEO at VuWall. "With numerous successful joint deployments throughout Europe, we are excited to partner with IHSE at NAB and bring our integrated solution to the American market."
At the NAB2019 Show, the VuWall system will be connected via an IHSE Draco vario compact matrix system and HDMI extenders. Multiple types of video sources will be distributed through the KVM matrix and extended to a 2 x 2 wall display, where multiple sources will be displayed simultaneously. Operators will control the content layout on the video wall via the VuScape video wall controller using a VuWall touch panel for quick macro access of predefined layouts. Users can easily interact with the matrix from a local keyboard or from the touch-panel interface. Communication between the IHSE and VuWall processors happens thanks to the IHSE API, through which buttons and images can be defined by the operator for a more graphical user experience.
"With the collaboration of VuWall and IHSE to create a more robust video wall display and management system, the companies continue to drive new and better solutions that system integrators can rely on to be more flexible and cost-effective," said Dan Holland, marketing manager for IHSE USA. "The new partnership offers our channel partners and customers a full-featured KVM and wall management solution ideal for those demanding dramatic user experiences across multiple displays."
The combined offering creates a valuable new premium distribution category for the audio and video integration market at a time when those in the broadcast, entertainment, and government command-and-control verticals are seeking cost-effective solutions for interactive knowledge walls. This collaborative interface gives the operators complete control from a single surface. The user-friendly interface also allows operators to resize all windows across the complete input range and access multiple sources even if they are on segregated networks. Interfaces can be set up in any configuration with operator-accessible templates and groups.
This solution enables full end-to-end creation, management, production, and distribution of quality live video, combined with graphical overlays used in broadcast master control and C4ISR command centers.