Grass Valley is Excited to be Part of the Alliance for IP Media Solutions

Grass Valley is Excited to be Part of the Alliance for IP Media Solutions

Yesterday, Grass Valley, along with several major solution providers in the broadcast and media technology industry, announced the formation of the Alliance for IP Media Solutions (AIMS). As a founding member of AIMS, we’re committed to ensuring that our customers get access to the clearest, most efficient and most effective path to the IP future.  And that’s exactly what AIMS will work to provide, ensuring the development and adoption of open standards.

As a broadcaster or broadcast service provider, you need the flexibility to implement the solutions that work best in your specific environment. And you need to have confidence that all your equipment will speak the same language and work together seamlessly. You need to adapt your businesses to better compete with other content options in the market, such as over-the-top and other subscription services. Open standards are the key to protecting current investments and ensuring long-term interoperability.

With the IP transition, thanks to the collaborative work already done in SMPTE and VSF, our industry has the opportunity to avoid its past mistakes, when multiple proprietary approaches were adopted, adding cost and complexity for everyone—such as in the tape and file format wars of a decade ago.


Grass Valley is joined by some of the biggest names in our business in this effort and, collectively, the group will work to: 
1.    Promote standards that facilitate the education and adoption of open standards
2.    Facilitate activities that accelerate the development of products that support these open standards 
3.    Facilitate the creation of new standards by supporting standards bodies with participation and testing in real-world environments 

AIMS provides specific development guidance in its bylaws to its members and to the broadcast community via the AIMS Roadmap, which includes support for SMPTE 2022-6 and AES67, as well as VSF recommendations TR-04 and TR-03.

There’s a reason why our industry has always relied on the standards bodies to develop, test, and implement open standards—the process is collaborative and ensures that no one gets stuck with a solution that is essentially an island. Technology in this industry is changing more quickly than ever, and broadcasters like you need to know that your investments will be protected over the long haul.


Everyone at Grass Valley is honored to be part of the founding of this new organization and gratified that our efforts to help make AIMS a reality have been successful. But, more importantly, we’re encouraged that there is widespread support for the ideals that AIMS has been founded upon. Through the efforts of AIMS, our customers will have a clear view through the haze caused by multiple standards and proprietary approaches introduced into the market.