Friends Arena Chooses Norwia Optical Distribution Platform
Friends Arena is a multipurpose indoor/outdoor arena via a retractable roof. The stadium is the largest in the Nordic region with a 65,000 person capacity and has the latest design and communication technology incorporated.
The specification for the system had to meet several key areas. This included, High Quality optics, Proven reliability and a need to withstand harsh environmental conditions. The miniHUB encompasses all these key areas while delivering cost efficiencies for Friends Arena.
The site includes 48 optical links that were connecting between prime locations within the arena and back to a central point in the Outside Broadcast parking area and the Arena’s own 500 square meter production area.
Jan Arvidsson, Technical manager was strategically involved in the optical installation of Friends Arena said, “One of the biggest challenges today is to achieve a design that is encompassing all the functions required for now and for later, impossible you might say! The miniHUB platform provides flexibility not seen before. This is perfect for broadcasting of sport and other events requires different configuration for each broadcast. With the miniHUB Optical distribution platform we can now achieve this”
The miniHUB flexibility is all down to Norwia’s innovative AutoSFP® technology. This technology makes it easy to change signal direction in a matter of minutes, without deconstructing your entire installed system. It also gives longevity to your investment in case you want to expand or upgrade to a CWDM system or even turn the system into a ring structured network without throwing any of your investment away. The Norwia miniHUB Optical distribution platform has something that no one else has, this is an industry unique!
The miniHUB was suitable for placement in the OB parking area as this was an uncontrolled temperature environment that usual broadcast equipment would not be suitable for. The narrow temperature ranges that are normally used in specifying broadcast equipment are not suitable. The miniHUB is a perfect partner for this location due to its enhanced temperature specifications.
Lars Sundlin from Protel in Sweden was instrumental in the engineering concept for Friends Arena said “It was a perfect solution that addressed the needs of the client. It gave tangible financial aspects from pre to post purchase and addresses the quality needs for the Friends Arena”
The miniHUB platform is ideally suited for stadiums with fiber installation and solves the common problems that plaque these type of installations. With the next generation technology from Norwia you can be sure that you installation will be superior in all respects.
Norwia is a hi-tech broadcast media equipment manufacturer with a mission to produce products of outstanding value and holds the brand name miniHUB™. Products are developed and manufactured in Norway and marketed globally. Norwia believes in placing the customer as number one as we take our industry knowledge and track record of innovation to the market.