Digitale Cinematographie 2011 – Is there any such thing as a perfect workflow?
'File-based workflows' – especially when based on raw files - are a matter of great interest today. The reason for this is not only that they are deemed to be faster, more efficient and more cost effective, but that they also present certain pitfalls for the unwary.
What needs to be considered in order to achieve maximum efficiency for the entire production cycle? What is the right approach to benefit from all the options of the digital value-added chain? This year's Digitale Cinematographie provides solid answers to questions like these. Various concepts from the fields of camera features, optimal data processing and even archiving will be presented and critically examined under both technical and economic aspects.
The exhibition
The exhibition will take place on two floors in all the halls of the Alte Kongresshalle. The organisers of the event, Ludwig Kameraverleih, Band Pro Munich and MKMedia Production, will share a booth on the stage in the main hall. The event will be a great opportunity for more than 45 international exhibitors and service providers to present products, solutions and services that cover the entire production sequence: ABC Products, AJA Video Systems, ARCHIWARE, ARRI, Astro, bebob, Canon, cine 60, codex, ComLine, Dedo Weigert Film, DENZ, DigitalFilmTechnology, dieAgenten, Dreamwalks, dve, DVS, easy steady, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule Salzburg), Farbraum, FGV Schmidle, Fraunhofer IIS, Fujinon, GB Labs, Gruppe3, HFF Munich, IBE Optics, K5600 Lighting, LEADER, Leica, Mediatec, MWA, PHANTOM, PTV, Videor, Vision2see, Vitec Group, YoYotta, Zacuto, Zeiss, zweiB.
The sponsor
SONY will be the main sponsor again this year. As SONY's sales partner, Band Pro will exclusively present the new SONY F-65 camera in the gallery of the main hall. With its 8K-CMOS sensor in S35mm format, 20.4 megapixels and 120 FPS, the camera achieves top performance in terms of resolution, colour rendering, sensitivity and dynamics. Thanks to the 16-BIT-RAW output of the F65, it is a trailblazer for a true 4K workflow.
The workshops
Since the entire workshop programme of Digital Cinematography is currently being updated, this press release can only present an excerpt from the list of workshops being offered by the organisers:
On the first day of the event Ludwig Kameraverleih will hold a workshop on "CMOS sensors and their enhanced sensitivity in the NIR (Near Infra-Red) area". The Ludwig workshops will focus on "RED Epic" on both days. In addition to technology, handling and the sharing of experience, the "RED Epic and the DI Workstation Clipster®" workflow will be another major topic on the agenda, and optimised workflows through the use of Clipster® DVS (Digital Video Systems) will be a focal point in this context.
On both days Band Pro Munich will offer a SONY F-65 workshop by the well respected expert Jeff Cree, who will provide an introduction into the operation of the camera and data management. Complementary to the information provided during the workshop, material captured with the F-65 will be presented within the framework of screenings. In addition, the integration of the F-65 data into the post-production process via the YoYotta software will be demonstrated at the F-65 lounge. Band Pro will offer a workshop on "Get the Data from Set to Post" via Codex and YoYotta on both days. This workshop will be held by Fred Meyers, former Technical Director of Lukas Film. The Band Pro workshop programme will be complemented by the Measurement Engineering topic: "LEADER", a variably configurable HD/SD multi-wave monitor.
Partner workshops
Since not all workshop topics are available at present, this press release provides an excerpt from the partner programme: In a workshop, Archiware will present the PresSTORE P4 backup software which prevents the loss of data as a consequence of short production cycles. With Phantom 65-Z3D, Dedo Weigert Film will present the only digital, highly compact stereo 3D camera system with "two eyes" (i.e. two objective lenses in one housing). The Fraunhofer Institute IIS will hold a presentation on standardised JPEG 2000 profiles and their application for the digitalisation of film material.
Traditionally the Digitale Cinematographie has always been the event where international directors and camera specialists provided a look behind the scenes of their work. So it will be this year.At the digitally equipped workshop cinema, the talented film director Tim Fehlbaum will provide his comments on the making of "HELL". Geoff Boyle, DOP of international film productions, will familiarise his audience with new material. Director and cinematographer Richard Ladkani will report on his experience with the SONY PMW-F3 during shooting of his "Gas Monopoly" documentary. Other famous talents are expected to be present at the event, too.
Young talent and vocational training
The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule Salzburg) and the University of Television and Film Munich (Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film, HFF) will both be represented at the exhibition and offer their own presentations.
In short: For all those who appreciate first-hand know how and practical tips and want to benefit from the experience of industry experts, Digitale Cinematographie is "the place to be". Interested persons can register free of charge on the web site at any time.
Digitale Cinematographie
“Digitale Cinematographie” was founded in 2002 by Gerhard Baier (Band Pro Munich GmbH), Martin Ludwig (Ludwig Kameraverleih GmbH) and Martin Kreitl (MKMedia Production). As a "High Definition Competence Centre", Digitale Cinematographie has been created as a new platform which is neutrally and critically driven by the idea of revolutionising the German film and TV environment through the use of new technology.
For film and media producers from all over Europe, “Digitale Cinematographie” has become an event which cannot be missed. Latest trends and developments from the world of digital film are presented every year on this occasion. This is a very personal, communicative and interactive event for both producers and users. What makes „Digitale Cinematographie” so unique is the smooth combination of the exchange of experience with renowned specialists, the comprehensive outlook on all areas of HD technology, training of young creators - along with the ingenious concept of uniting the transfer of knowledge and practical tests based on exhibitions, workshops and screenings.
For film and media producers from all over Europe, “Digitale Cinematographie” has become an event which cannot be missed. Latest trends and developments from the world of digital film are presented every year on this occasion. This is a very personal, communicative and interactive event for both producers and users. What makes „Digitale Cinematographie” so unique is the smooth combination of the exchange of experience with renowned specialists, the comprehensive outlook on all areas of HD technology, training of young creators - along with the ingenious concept of uniting the transfer of knowledge and practical tests based on exhibitions, workshops and screenings.