Digitale Cinematographie 2011 – Registration Now Open
Finding a new location for Digitale Cinematographie 2011 wasn’t an easy task. Eventually the three organisers - Band Pro Munich GmbH, Ludwig Kameraverleih GmbH and MKMedia Production - were able to find the perfect place: the “Alte Kongresshalle” at Theresienhöhe in Munich.
The location was built in the 1950s and has been meticulously restored, providing an ideal space for the event that will, as always, feature an exhibition, workshops and screenings. With exhibition space spread over two levels, workshop rooms and catering the former convention hall boasts a perfect infrastructure. The inner-city location has excellent connections to public transport as well as sufficient parking.
Due to the change in location Digitale Cinematographie will be held on 20 and 21 October this year. Next year it will return to the original dates in June.Preparations for this year’s event have been underway for several weeks already. At the end of May invitations were sent out to partner companies specializing in camera technology, production solutions and products, postproduction, backup and archiving.
Exhibitors registering before 17 July 2011 can take advantage of an early bird discount. The workshop concept that gives partner companies the opportunity to present their products and services has proven very successful and will be part of the event this year as well. The stands measure 12 square metres in size and workshop facilities are available in various sizes. We recommend registering early for both stand space and workshop facilities as space is limited. Space will be allotted on a first come, first serve basis.
The convention hall is open for set-up on Wednesday 19 October 2011 and the event runs from Thursday 20 October, 10 am to 6 pm and Friday 21 October 9 am to 4 pm. Break-down may start immediately after the event ends on Friday.This year’s Digitale Cinematographie will also feature a wide range of marketing activities and our media partners will be providing professional coverage of the event. Interested companies should contact Mr Stefan Lindner directly by email ([email protected]). Information on the website is updated daily.
Digitale Cinematographie
“Digitale Cinematographie” was founded in 2002 by Gerhard Baier (Band Pro Munich GmbH), Martin Ludwig (Ludwig Kameraverleih GmbH) and Martin Kreitl (MKMedia Production). As a "High Definition Competence Centre", Digitale Cinematographie has been created as a new platform which is neutrally and critically driven by the idea of revolutionising the German film and TV environment through the use of new technology.For film and media producers from all over Europe, “Digitale Cinematographie” has become an event which cannot be missed. Latest trends and developments from the world of digital film are presented every year on this occasion. This is a very personal, communicative and interactive event for both producers and users. What makes „Digitale Cinematographie” so unique is the smooth combination of the exchange of experience with renowned specialists, the comprehensive outlook on all areas of HD technology, training of young creators - along with the ingenious concept of uniting the transfer of knowledge and practical tests based on exhibitions, workshops and screenings.