5GIA-TSDSI Webinar on 5G Tests & Pilots

5GIA-TSDSI Webinar on 5G Tests & Pilots

22 September 2021, 11:00-13:00 CET/14:30-16:30 IST

The objective of this webinar is to enable the sharing of information, data, lessons learnt and areas for collaborative 5G Tests and Pilots. It will present examples of 5G T&Ps implemented in 5G “hot verticals”, such as smart city, smart grid, media broadcast and media production from Europe and India. It is structured as a succession of 10 minutes presentations of T&P projects in both Europe and India with two brief Q&A sessions.

The webinar will be co-chaired by Baruch Altman, LiveU's AVP Technologies and Projects, and Chair of the 5G International Cooperation Stream of the 5G-IA Trials Working Group, and Jean-Pierre Bienaimé, Senior Advisor International Relations, TSDSI.


The webinar is open to all, pre-registration is kindly requested.


Welcome & Introduction:

• Mr Baruch Altman (LiveU, 5G-IA)

• Mr Jean-Pierre Bienaimé (TSDSI)




5G-IA Framework

• Dr Colin Willcock (5G-IA Chairman, Nokia)


5G Trials and Pilots Framework in India:

• Ms Neha Satak (Founder & CEO – Astrome Technologies Pvt Ltd)



5G Smart Grid:

• Dr Irina Ciornei (KIOS Research Centre) and/or Ms Daniele Porcu (Enel)

• Mr A K Mishra (NPMU, National Smart Grid Mission – NSGM)


5G Smart City:

• Prof. Pedro Merino (5GENESIS, University of Malaga)

• Prof Arzad Alam Kherani (IIT Bhilai)



5G Broadcast:

• Dr Belkacem Mouhouche (Samsung, 5G-XCAST and 5G-Tours H2020 projects, 3GPPP standardisation)

• Mr Prashant Maru (VP Sales and Business Development for Broadcast and Converged Networks, Saankhya Labs)


5G Media Production:

• Mr Ran Rahav (LiveU, 5G-Solutions, 5G-Tours and 5G-Records H2020 projects)

• TSDSI Expert (TBD)

