On top: Machu Picchu anniversary celebrated with grandMA2

Often Machu Picchu is referred to as the "Lost City of the Incas"

When Machu Picchu was founded in the 15th-century by the Incas it was a completely unique town.The buildings were located 2,430 metres (7,970 ft) above sea level, situated ona narrow mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley in Peru. Thecity was abandoned a century later at the time of the Spanish Conquest. Often Machu Picchu is referred to as the "Lost Cityof the Incas", and it is perhaps the most familiar icon of the Inca World.

Although known locally, itwas only brought to international attention in 1911, by the American historianHiram Bingham. The 100th anniversary of this momentous event wasrecently celebrated - with a grandMA2 ultra-light used to control lighting.

Gian Franco Di Vitto wasthe lighting designer. Andres Cuadros, who was the equipment consultant, saidof the grandMA2: “The reliability and versatility offered by the console wasthe key in the development of the programming of the show.”


The data transmission tothe 40 x Vari*Lite VL3500 Washes, 20 x Vari*Lite VL3000 Spots, 20 x Atomic 3000strobes and 2 x Strong Super Trouper 2K follow spots was facilitated by a WirelessSolution system, consisting of 2 x F-1 G4 Transmitter/Receivers. A WholeHog IIIwas used to control the conventional lights.