Simultanious 4K Ultra HD and 3G/HD-SDI Output for Ikegami Cameras
Slot in BS-98 and CCU-980
This board provides 4K output from a 2K source. It replaces the V OUT board of an Ikegami base station or camera control unit. Existing BS-98 or CCU-980 models can be upgraded without needing modification. A camera head is required to support the upscaling process.
Employs Super Resolution Engine
Super Resolution Technology using non-linear processing improves perceived resolution in the 4K image. If the signals being upconverted have DTL-enhanced edges, simple upscaling would cause the enhanced edge to be upscaled as well. The 4K Converter Board can perform intelligent upscaling signal from 2K progressive content to 4K. 2K/2K remastering can also be performed with low latency and low noise using the processor's Super Resolution Technology to prevent any exaggeration of enhanced edges.
Upscaling and Remastering Mode
Two operating modes are provided:
* Upscaling mode can convert 2K into 4K. Remastering mode allows 2K input / 2K output processing.
* In Remastering mode, Super Resolution Technology provides the sense of resolution correction with wide bandwidth that is superior to edge correction in the camera.
Parameter Setting
Various Super Resolution presets can be selected via the base station or CCU menu. Processing parameters can also be customized.