TopVision HD OBVans are driving together with Sony Professional into the Third Dimension

Berlin based TV Production House invests in Sony 3D Equipment

TopVision has carried out the first 3D productions in Germany. On behalf of Plazamedia, SAT.1, SKY and Sportcast, TopVision was on hand to produce and to deliver 3D signals of the Bundesliga, the UEFA Champions League, the IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship opening game and the Gerry Weber tennis tournament and has gathered a whole bunch of experience and know how in the coverage of live events in 3D. A recent project is a world’s first: The realization of the IFA press conference of the Deutsche Telekom in 3D.

Now TopVision has equipped its first 3D OBVan with Sony products. “While most of the HD OBVan providers currently handicraft their 3D-Ready sign, we already produce and transmit since February 2010 impressive live events in 3D”, explains Eduard Palasan, Managing Director at TopVision Telekommunikation GmbH & Co. KG and continues, “For the extension of our 3D OBVan we are working together with Sony Professional, the leading 3D specialist. Our team and their technology is a perfect fit and our combined working efforts result in a lot of fun.”

Since February 2010 the first 3D OBVan of TopVision is OnAir. On board are ten complete 3D sets consisting of Sony HDC-1000, HDC-1500 and HDC-P1 cameras and a whole range of Canon lenses.


“Because of its compact design the HDC-P1 has proved to be the ideal fit in combination with 3D rigs for Steadicam and for 3D crane-use,” describes Andreas Berghaus, Product Manager Sony Professional, “TopVision trusts in the Sony MPE-200 processor box for the precise digital alignment of the 3D camera pairs, which improves the workflow of 3D live productions dramatically. The five MPE-200 boxes in TopVision’s 3D OBVan allow automatic adjustments and the control of the 3D camera pairs including dynamic compensation of lens tolerances while zooming. In addition the MPE-200 works as a high quality 2D/3D converter. This gives our users further live productions flexibility by integrating 2D camera signals without additional hardware.” At the heart of the production area sits a Sony MVS-8000G multi-format vision switcher optimized for 3D productions. Here TopVision is mixing the signals from the MPE-200 boxes and is generating the 3D transmission signal. The monitors in the production area, the vision control area and the newly implemented stereographic 3D area consist of ten 24” 3D/HD LMD-2451TD and ten 42” 3D/HD LMD-4251TD displays from Sony.

The investment of TopVision in 3D equipment was getting its “future prove stamp” at the IFA press conference of the Deutsche Telekom on 3rd September in Berlin: At the press conference the plans of the DFL were announced that from January onwards every week one Bundesliga top game will be produced and transmitted in 3D. And both rights holders (Deutsche Telekom via its IPTV platform T-Entertain and SKY Germany via its Pay TV platform) will distribute the 3D signal to their customers.
